Sunday 5 May 2024

Grief is a black hole

Grief, a profound abyss akin to a black hole, devours the very essence of one's being, swallowing whole every shred of light and joy in its path. Its weight pulls relentlessly, dragging one into a desolate realm of emptiness and solitude, where the vibrant hues of life fade into a suffocating darkness. Each day becomes a fierce battle, a relentless struggle to traverse the vast expanse of loss, navigating through the echoes of cherished memories that linger like haunting ghosts. Yet, amidst the despair, there exists a faint glimmer of hope, a delicate beacon flickering bravely in the shadows. With the passage of time, this light grows stronger, guiding the weary soul out of the depths of despair and into the tender embrace of acceptance. Grief, though a formidable force, harbors within its depths the potential for profound healing, metamorphosis, and an awakened reverence for the delicate beauty that infuses every moment of existence.

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